Limestone and natural stone services

Bringing beauty to the homes and gardens

Building and restoration of the structures of limestone and natural stone

Stone buildings

Kauakestvad ja vastupidavad, isikupärased hooned. Vundamendid. Kiviseinte taastamine.

Beautiful garden elements

Kivimüüri ehitus ja kiviplatsi paigaldus. Vanade ja väärikate kiviaedade taastamine. Loome looklevad teed, rajame rajad, teeme trepid jpm. Aiapostide püstitus.


Foundations, facades, chimneys, and more.


Limestone has been Estonia’s national stone since 1992. It is the most preferred and widely used natural stone in construction, suitable for both modern and rustic buildings. Limestone is easy to work with and durable. Depending on the style, you can choose the appropriate type of limestone and its installation method (irregular or dimensionally cut, with a natural or polished surface).


Another frequently used natural stone is fieldstone. It is used in fences, walls, garden posts, foundations, cladding for bases, and much more. Fieldstone can be installed either in its natural form or as cut stone.

Jaager OÜ ehitatud maakiviaed Viimsis

Personalised works

Typical for an Estonian

Durable and beautiful structure

The gallery of our stone works

In case of questions or interests, contact us! +372 507 6909

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